Stop fiddling word documents. Re-use your information and create multiple versions of your resume in seconds.
The Story
We all know that feeling. It's time to look for a new job, so you open up the good ol' word document.
if you can even find it.
Now you're figuring out the right font size, template, and making sure everything fits on one page.
Is that what you really want to be doing right now?
If you're applying to different types of jobs, you want your resume to be tailored.
So now you're making multiple documents and copy pasting in between them.
You don't have to live like this.
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Input all your work experience, education, projects, and even different contact informations.
Then create multiple resumes and mix and match all of it with just a few clicks.
Tailoring Matters
Easily organize different descriptions and achievemets per work experience.
You can include the same experience in multiple resumes, and include only the relevant information.
Control Every Aspect
Create new combinations of work experience,
projects and education with only a few clicks.
Never worry about where you put your word documents or having to manage formatting again. Pay for it once, use it forever.
No subscription.